Saturday, 10 December 2016

Game of the Year 2016

Until 2016 I was very much in the last gen. my gaming PC had suffered a fatal hard drive crash and been passed to a friend two years previously (it was already 9 years old and I was bored of it), and I'd switched from windows gaming to giving my PS3 and Xbox 360 more time. I also bootcamped my MacBook Pro to install Windows 8.1 so I could still play some Left 4 Dead with my old competitive team - macs are, contrary to popular nonsense, alright for gaming with windows installed, as long as you're not looking for high settings on the latest games.

Early this year I finally persuade myself that I wanted a Wii U. I don't know what took so long - Gamecube has long been my favourite console, and I've enjoyed every Nintendo console that's existed (not so much N64 but that's another story). Even Wii had given me much enjoyment, yet I'd put off the Wii U for 3 years.

I didn't regret the purchase, it has some tremendous games. Probably the best 3D Super Mario game, one of the best Mario Karts, and some very nice Zelda remakes (we're still waiting on an original Zelda title though..!)

Then in Summer a friend of mine told me that PS4 was very good. I'd avoided it, and the Xbox One, because I had concerns over the coming switch to downloaded games replacing discs, the crazy privacy concerns with the Xbox One (and Windows 10) and I was just losing interest in newer games on PS3 and 360.

Well, I bought a PS4 on his recommendation. Another great purchase, with so many great games (many of them "remasters") the PlayStation 4 is close to taking Gamecube's spot as my favourite system ever.

I also upgraded my New 3DS to the XL model. Another worthy console, 3DS deserves more love.

So onto my game of the year? Naturally it's going to be on one of those consoles, as I haven't bought any other games from 2016. It's tough though - most games I've purchased have been older, having just bought the consoles, but first some runners up (no Wii U games here - that console's attempts this year were sadly uninspiring).

Dishonored 2 (PS4) - so close to being my pick. Dishonored was a fantastic game, well realised, though terrible on PS3 where I first played it. The remaster on PS4 though matches the PC version in all its beauty - and the sequel builds on everything it was, aesthetically as well as in story and depth of gameplay.

Dark Souls 3 (PS4) - a strong contender. The souls series took me a long time to get into, but completing Dark Souls 1 and 2 are highlights of my gaming past, and the third shows no sign of staleness.

Bioshock The Collection (PS4) - not strictly a 2016 game, but this collection shows how a generation-later re-release should be handled - the three games look better than they did on the previous consoles, and match the PC versions. A great box set.

Skyrim (PS4) - another remaster not strictly from 2016, Skyrim again shows how a remastered game should be handled. PS4 is replete with high quality upgrades to PS3 games, and this one goes an extra step to provide an ultimate experience of the content within - even with the controversy over its high price.

Mario & Luigi Paper Jam Bros (3DS) - the series has perhaps become a little stale by now, however this crossover between Mario & Luigi and Paper Mario is cleverly done, bringing elements of both series together and is all the better for it - certainly stronger than the last two Paper Mario games...

So now, the winner. You might expect it would be a PS4 game - this has been a good year for that console - but as I can only pick from games I've actually owned and played, and as I'm prone to ignoring the calls for what I "should" think, I've gone for a game that has given me such enjoyment, wasted so much time, and had me going back time and again to better my scores.

Rhythm Paradise Megamix (3DS) - a collection of short mini games, most of which come from earlier games on GBA and DS, this cartridge is packed with good humour and fun. Button presses replace the DS's taps and swipes, making it much easier to perform actions in time with the music and increase the pleasure of seeking a perfect score in each round. I consider this an essential purchase, and it is high on my list of all time favourite games.

2016 has been a great year for gaming, and 2017 already seems to have some great titles lined up for us - not to mention Nintendo's new Switch and that new Zelda game we've been patiently waiting for for some now! It's a good time to be a gamer.

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